Why Marketing is Important


David Raisey define marketing as “the process by which companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to capture value from customer in return.” This definition alone can explain why marketing is important, but several reasons why marketing should be one of the small business owner’s main priorities.

Marketing builds value in your products and services for your customers.

Most salespeople want to know as little as possible to make the sale. Some sales staff needs technical specifications and things of that nature, but ultimately, the less they have to learn the better. This makes sense, because their goal is to make sales. Therefore, marketing has to step in and create value for your customer. If you can’t create value for your customers, why will they buy from you? Sometimes they will buy from you once, but will they come back if there is no value?

Many times, business owners don’t capitalize on all the ways they can give value to their customers. They get lost in the production or product concept of marketing and end up with marketing myopia. Marketing myopia happens when a company pays more attention to the product/service than the value or benefits it offers to the customer. You can’t let this happen to you. Pay attention to your customers and why they buy your products. People buy a Toyota Prius not only because it saves on gas, but because it makes them fell more eco-friendly.

Marketing helps build customer relationships.

Everyone put emphasis on the sales staff when it comes to sales. “If the sales team doesn’t work harder, we won’t increase sales,” but this is not necessarily true. It costs three times as much to obtain a new customer as it does to keep an existing one. This means you need to maintain the relationship with your current customers in order to lower marketing and sales costs and increase sales.

Properly planned and implemented marketing activities are the only real way to build customer relationships. These activities can include a lot of things: loyalty programs, thank-you cards, customer appreciation events, free gifts, and so on. Each company must find a unique way to set themselves apart from the competition while building a loyal and long-lasting relationship.

Marketing establishes a brand image.

When you use FedEx for shipping, you know what you are getting: fast delivery, flexible shipping options, and better service than other shippers. Are all of these things true? They may be, but their marketing activities established all of these. FedEx will have to live up to these expectations of their brand, but their marketing department set the customer up with this image.

You must use marketing to establish your brand. Customers need to know what to expect from your company based on your brand image. What kind of products and what types of service will you provide the customer? Let your marketing tell the story and establish your brand.

These are some reasons given by David Raisey that you should check out Why Marketing is Important.

Why Small Businesses Should Hire a Marketing Consultant

Are you generating leads but not concluding any deals? Do you have a problem generating leads initially? You might consider hiring a marketing consultant on an as-required basis. Whether you are running a small business or a large venture, the need for a strong marketing strategy will underlie all your corporate efforts. And this is where a marketing consultant can help you out says David Raisey. However, many small businesspersons react to the word consultant. Common concerns include the cost but if appropriately used, marketing consultants can actually benefit your small corporation. In this article, you will find the reasons why you should hire a marketing consultant. Let’s find out:

Real Strategy is imperative:

A consultant will want you to invent a real tactic before he/she tells you how to gain traffic or consumers. The marketing consultant will know in what light a prospective consumer sees the work you do to beat the competitors. Until this is recognized, your advertising efforts won’t make any momentum.

A marketing consultant can help you plan in an accurate order for business development, says David Raisey. For instance, if you are doing content marketing, they will create an effectual strategy to generate leads to your website and thus help you grow your sales.

Lucidity in vision for upcoming:

A marketing advisor never keeps a business objective for the day after today or next week. He/she keeps eyes on the long-term profit. A good advisor will make you think where you want to be in the upcoming years.

By doing this, he/she will help you figure out what all objectives are extraneous and also the ones that need consideration to achieve the long-term goal. So, a marketing consultant essentially helps prioritize your goals in a well-organized manner so as to profit your business in the future.

Focus keeps you on track:

Businesspersons tend to go off track when they have to manage most of the things at the instant. Might be you don’t like it, but one of the most worrying facts is that you require somebody who regularly reminds you when you lose focus. The marketing advisor will illustrate you the objectives and helps you process your action towards a lucrative path.

Wrapping Up

These are just a few reasons given by David Raisey why you should hire a marketing consultant. Actually, in the business scenario, a businessperson is expert in products or services and consultant is an expert in business. Thus, teaming up with a marketing advisor can help your corporate gain the profits. So, for what you are waiting? Hire a marketing consultant today and see how easily you achieve your business goals.

Originally Posted: https://www.allperfectstories.com/small-businesses-should-hire-marketing-consultant/